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I refused to walk the β€˜traditional’ path.

I went off track.

  • No Rat Race.

  • No Office.

  • No Boss.

The reality that I created allows me to travel to all corners of the globe. It lets me explore destinations i dreamed of as a child.

It lets me tell these live these stories.

And then share them here.

These are the outrageous outtakes of my life, presented in my version of art - stories.

These are the stories I wanted to read, so I wrote them.

These are moments in a life of a young man figuring out the world, and taking a few too many narcotics on the way…

I hope you find a little joy here. I hope these tales make you laugh, cry, escape from life for a moment, dream and fantasize, and most of all…

I hope they fucking shock you. I hope they stir up something inside you, blindside you with a 2 by 4, and leave that brain spinning inside your skull.

I know the Catholic Ladies Club are huge fans.

These are Gonzo Benny’s Trips around the Pale Blue Dot.


Nothing but love for you,

Gonzo Benny.

Ben Webby Ben Webby

Trip Report: Puerto Escondido, Mexico πŸ“

We brave street dealers, off-brand prescription drugs, shoulder-dislocating waves, and bodysurfing on LSDβ€”β€Šonly to discover that Mexico’s jungle oasis might be the most heavenly rehabilitation centre in the world.

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