How My Work Will Benefit You

My mission is to empower creators and freelancers to find freedom and monetize their skills.

The central question I explore through my work is, “How can we live a life of freedom?”

This might sound like a strange question, considering we live in a time that is freer than ever.

But, how free are we really?

Do we have time freedom?

Or do most of us show up to a job whenever our boss tells us to?

Do we have location freedom?

Or are our lives fixed to one small corner of the globe, despite the fact that we could jump on a plane at any moment and still make a living while doing so?

How about mind freedom?

Or are we glued to our screens for almost every waking hour and unable to sit in a room quietly, alone, for twenty minutes?

I would argue that we cannot achieve a life of freedom without being free in our minds.

  • Free to love.

  • Free to be compassionate.

  • Free to create.

  • Free from negative self-talk, or self-criticism.

  • Free to have fun.

  • Free to do whatever it is that makes you feel fulfilled.

In other words, I want to find and explore great ideas about living a life of freedom, then explain them in a way that is easy to use and applicable to your daily life.

I hope most of all, my writing brings a little bit of peace of mind, and inspiration to monetize your unique combination of skills, life experiences, and knowledge.

My writing focuses on topics like…

Putting Ideas into Practice

I get it, it's one thing to read about ideas, but it's another thing to actually apply them in your life.

That's why I focus on making the concepts I write about easy to understand and put into action.

I try out all of the methods I write about for finding freedom in our lives before I share them.

I read a wide range of topics such as astronomy, economics, history, mathematics, physics, philosophy, technology, and more to find the most useful and practical insights for living a freer life.

Humans have been searching for freedom since Plato sat in his cave, since Cleistethines and the ancient Greeks voted for democracy on the Pnyx, and arguably thousands of years before that.

I'm a big believer in the power of knowledge and building on the wisdom of those who came before us.

That's why I created this website and started to share my work - to add my own layer to the pile and help others find the freedom they're looking for.

Now, I'm not saying I have all the answers.

In truth, I still don’t know What The Fuck I’m doing.

But I know that I love to write and it makes me happy to share what I've learned so far.

My writing is just one way of looking at life, creativity, and freedom, and I hope it resonates with you.

So if you want to more - check out my Articles, Videos and Books, or connect with me on Twitter!

About Me

So, who is this fella called Ben Webby?

Well, thats something Ive been trying to figure out for as long as I can remember. And I’m still figuring it out.

But, here are a few notable things about me…

Author of the book, When The Walls Close In.

  • My debut novel about a wild roadtrip through the USA to unfuck my mind.

  • Available on Kindle, Paperback, or Audiobook in 2023...

  • Wrote my first novel at 26 years old.

Marketing and Content Writing Addict

  • Over 100 5-star reviews on my content writing, and SEO marketing services

  • Obsessed with building a digital empire.

  • I have helped e-Commerce stores reach 7 figures in sales through SEO and social media

  • If you are interested in having me help grow your online business or assist with your digital marketing strategy, please click here to submit a request.

Full-time Digital Nomad

  • I have been traveling the world for the last 4 years, including:

    • 3 months in a tent in the USA.

    • 2 months in a beat-up campervan traversing the West Coast of America with 5 guys.

    • 3 months in Queenstown, New Zealand.

    • 12 months backpacking around Europe - Greece, Croatia, Italy, Prague, Turkey, and Bulgaria (so far).

  • Visited 25+ countries in the last 4 years

  • Hiked through 15 different national parks and snow skied in Japan, Italy, and New Zealand.

Fun Facts

  • Born and Raised on a Dairy Farm in Rotorua, New Zealand.

  • Played rugby all my life until concussions got the better of me.

  • Advocate for psychedelic medicine